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Crafted and implemented a unique OMNI channel CRM experience for new global digital bank. 9 countries, follow the sun support and highly geared to acquisition and retention of a global audience. Infinity managed the Program, sourced platforms and integration partners to deliver positive client and customer outcomes.
Crafted a ONEGOV access strategy across entire state service delivery units into a single integrated platform and cross channel experience for access and case resolution.
Rationalised 21 distributed Call Centres into just 4 global multi channel Contact Centers armed with superior customer acquisition and retention tools and platforms.
Data & Cultural Integrity program to 'increase performance . customer loyalty and share of telecoms wallet' across channels and business units.
Implemented a multi generational CRM process designed to retain a customer for life. Enabled dealers and direct channels to derive value at purchase, service, support and re-purchase.
Transformed national customer access [acquisition and retention] journey to co-ordinated multi channel experience. Rationalised retail footprint in favour of digital channels making best use of Bricks and Mortar investment.
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